St. Patrick School Mission
It is the mission of Saint Patrick School to teach our students to act justly, love and serve one another, and walk humbly with God. We are a Catholic faith community committed to teaching and nurturing its values by focusing on the life of Christ, prayer, and the sacraments. Our goal is to develop the spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, and social attributes of our students so that they will become service-oriented citizens prepared to meet the challenges of a complex society.
In communion with the Roman Catholic Church throughout the world, St. Patrick Parish seeks to further the mission of Jesus Christ: that all may know God’s love for them, and grow in union with God and one another. With the Sacred Liturgy at the center of our parish life, we are formed by the Word of God and strengthened by the Eucharist. We move from the table of the Lord to proclaim God’s presence in our world today through a variety of ministries. Manifesting the life of the Holy Spirit in our midst, we strive to be a welcoming community where faith finds expression in service.