
A warm welcome to our new and returning Saint Patrick School families!

In preparation for the upcoming school year, the Health Office would like to remind parents and guardians of the following policies set by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health regulations for your child’s safety.

  1. The Health Office will need updated immunization records, and school physical examination forms, both signed and dated by the students physician before the start of school for all new students and those entering PreK, Kindergarten, 1st, 4th, and 7th grade.

  2. Medication must be brought in, by the parent or guardian, in the original container, with a prescription label attached. Over the counter medications must be in their original store packaging with a manufacturer’s label.

  3. EPIPENS and inhalers must be brought in by the parent or guardian in the original box with the prescription label attached.

  4. Asthma Action Plans and Food Allergy Action Plans for the 23-24 school year, must accompany inhalers and EPIPENS. Action plans must be signed and dated by both parent/guardian and child’s physician.

  5. No medications will be accepted unless in the original container. No prescription medication or any over the counter medication that are not listed on the standing orders at school, can be administered without the medication consent form signed and dated by both the MD and parent or guardian.

  6. Standing orders for over the counter medication such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen require signed consent from parent or guardian before the medication can be administered per Saint Patrick School doctor’s orders.

  7. The nurse will be available by appointment to meet with any parents who have medical concerns about their children. Parents may bring medications and signed consent forms on day of appointment before the start of school.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Ann Langlois, BSN, RN

Medical Forms

Preschool Immunization Requirements

Children entering Preschool require the following:

Current physical with immunizations:

  1. Four doses of Dtap vaccine

  2. Three doses of Polio (IPV) vaccine

  3. Three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine

  4. Three or more doses of the HIB vaccine

  5. One dose of MMR

  6. One dose of Varicella

  7. Hearing and vision screens done by physician or specialist

  8. Lead test with results

Kindergarten Immunization Requirements

Children entering Kindergarten require the following:

Current physical with immunizations:

  1. Five doses of Dtap vaccine

  2. Four doses of Polio (IPV) vaccine

  3. Three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine

  4. Three or more doses of HIB vaccine

  5. Two doses of MMR

  6. Two doses of Varicella

  7. Hearing and vision screens done by physician or specialist

  8. Lead test with results

Grade 7 Immunization Requirements

Students entering Grade 7 require the following:

Current physical with immunizations:

  1. One dose of Tdap vaccine

  2. Four doses of Polio (IPV) vaccine

  3. Three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine

  4. Two doses of MMR

  5. Two doses of Varicella

  6. One dose MenAcwy